English love qoutes 14

If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever..
If Your askin if I'll Leave U the answer is Never..
If Your askin what I value the Answer is U..
if Your askin if I love U the answer is I do.

The beginning is built on something very strong which justifies the strength of an endless thought of you.So,your love is the true corner stone for the achievement of our togetherness and oneliness.

if i say i love you its not true.caus what i feel is bigger than love.
i cany find any world can express what i have in my heart.i.........

When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure u select someone who will never break ur heart, cuz broken hearts has never spare parts.

Two things never defined in whole life,
1 is LOVE
bcoz u never know who LOVES u how much.
2nd Friend
bcoz u never know how deeply they care About U.

"LOVE" is medicine for any kind of pain,
Be sure that
There is no medicine in the world for the pain given by "LOVE"

life is too short to wake up with regrets .so love the people who treat u right .forgets about the one's.if u get a second chance,grabit with both hands if it chenges your life let it.no body said life would be easy ,they just promised it would be worth it.when ur dreams come true ,don't over sleep.

L-language of heart
O-origin of beauty
V-very interesting
E-eye connection

Sacrificing is not a big deal
The pain what u face after sacrificing is a big deal
Keep the loved ones happy
Love to sacrifice & live to love..


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